About Us
Jendela Ide is an inclusive cultural institution for young people coming from various economic, social, and cultural backgrounds, including those with disabilities. Visual and performing artist Andar Manik and Marintan Sirait founded Jendela Ide in Bandung 1995.
Jendela Ide activities are based on freedom of expression, tolerance, values of integrity, understanding of the principles of democracy and equality, as well as upholding human values and caring for a sustainable environment.
Jendela Ide believes that every individual has an equal right to participate and enjoy the arts and cultural activities, experience the process of creation, appreciate and interact with a variety of aesthetics and values, which is an important part of character building.
Since 2018, Jendela Ide has been facilitating the implementation of Undang – Undang Pemajuan Kebudayaan (Law for the Advancement of Culture) in collaboration with various government institutions and universities. Jendela Ide’s Program 2021 – 2025 includes research based artist residencies as well as workshops/ exhibitions/ performances, Sekolah Lapang Pemajuan Kebudayaan (Field School for the Advancement of Culture), Desa Pemajuan Kebudayaan (Villages for the Advancement of Culture), Production of Documentary Videos based on Obyek Pemajuan Kebudayaan (Objects for the Advancement of Culture), Development of Social Media-Based Programs.
Jendela Ide is a foundation, Notarial Certificate no 17, dated March 8, 2008, Kemenkumham Letter AHU-89.AH.01.04.Tahun.2010, which has been renewed with Notarial Certificate no. 13, May 28, 2021 and Kemenkumham Letter AHU 001825. AH.01.12. 2021.
Organizational Structure 2021 – 2025:
Board of Supervisors:
Chairman: Andar Manik
Member I: Ignatius Bambang Sugiharto
Member II : Moch.Fadjroel Rachman
Board of Trustees:
Chairman: Marintan Sirait
Member: Reina Wulansari Wargahadibrata
Chairman: Djaelani
Secretary : Wahyu Sulasmoro
Treasurer : Anggi Dwi Octavia
International Network:
Bintang Manira Manik – Rotterdam, Netherlands
Email: [email protected]
Komp.PPR ITB D10, Dalemwangi
Kel. Mekarwangi, Kec. Lembang
Kabupaten Bandung Barat
Bandung 40391, Indonesia
Tel. +622220457677
Email: [email protected]