Jendela Ide Workshops began in 1995 with activities for children during the holiday seasons, with clay and painting workshops. The activity then began to take place routinely, in an inclusive way, with special assistance for children with special needs. Based on interest Jendela Ide provide diverse workshops on sound, percussion, Sundanese drums, cardboard puppets, pantomime, theatre, martial arts, shadow animation and even basic technology workshops such as pinhole camera. After 10 years running these programs, Jendela Ide activities included extra and intra curricula programs at schools, along with a number of training courses for teachers.
Since 2010, Jendela Ide has facilitated not only children, but also youth, adults, and organizations/communities. A program initiated by interdisciplinary youth is Project#, which responds to various actual problems in the form of discussions, workshops, visual expressions, sound, movement, exhibitions and performances.
Through various activities between cross-regional musicians and joint rehearsal process, the Karinding Collaborative Project music group, Sound of Hanamangke, Kareba, Bandung World Jazz Youth, Raag of Javadvipa, Cakravala Mandala Dvipantara was formed. Joined the Anti-Corruption Community Consortium in 2015 by presenting good practices in socializing integrity values through Children’s Voices – Jendela Ide Kids and the multimedia performance Imajinarium by Jendela Ide Youth, in 2016, Jendela Ide received the opportunity and grant from Komite Pemberantasan Korupsi (Committee for the Elimination of Corruption) to produce 30 workshops for children/ youth communities, 100 online programs and activations and a Musical Theater Play with 200 participants at Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta.