Field School

Participating in the 2018 Congress of Indonesian Cultural, together with Koalisi Seni (Indonesian Arts Coalition) advocating various policies and facilitating the implementation of the Undang-Undang Pemajuan Kebudayaan no5/ 2017 (Law for the Advancement of Culture) at the district/city level, Jendela Ide developed a program to protect, develop, utilize and foster Obyek Pemajuan Kebudayaan (Objects for the Advancement of Culture). Sources of traditional knowledge and technology are usually known and run by the elders and masters in acommunity or indigenous peoples in another place. In order to identify traditional knowledge and technology, understand, interpret and apply this traditional knowledge and technology, a direct learning model is needed from sources within the indigenous peoples themselves. This way of learning is developed and supported by Sekolah Lapang (Field School). Through Sekolah Lapang Desa Pemajuan Kebudayaan (Village Field School for the Advancement of Culture), the community will become researchers of their own culture and are expected to be able to develop and utilize it in the future.